Friday, October 8, 2010

Fantastic Lego Creations

Lego (apparently that's the plural, "Legos" is technically wrong) were my favorite toy growing up, so it's cool to see that the kids still like to play with them today. I brought some from home a while back for the kids to build with in the Activity Room, and they came up with some really cool stuff.

Recently, Darius, a teen who goes to the CLC and Activity Room often, donated a couple of boxes of Lego to us that he said his mom wanted him to get rid of. We were more than happy to take them, and the kids got busy creating stuff right away.

On Wednesday, one of the kids who was most excited about the Lego, Sirak, helped me build a really cool Lego beach house, complete with waves, a balcony, a security camera, a locked gate and even a Lego guy surfing in the waves!

Check out the photos below of this cool creation. Maybe we have a future architect on our hands?

Above: A close-up of the beach house's door and walkway.
Below: A close-up of the house's stairs to the beach and of the house's resident catching a Lego wave on his surfboard.

Above: The walkway/entryway from the front lawn to the beach. Not a bad piece of land, eh?
Below: An aerial shot of the house, complete with the security camera, torch on the roof and even the owner's boat/plane off to the left.

Thanks for the donation, Darius! And stay tuned, because we're sure to create more awesome stuff with these new Lego soon!

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