Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall Cleaning!

Yes, it's usually spring cleaning, but we decided to have some "fall cleaning" in the CLC. Things were getting a little dirty after a busy summer and September, so we decided to refresh the whole CLC with a bit of cleaning.

All of the computers were moved off of the tables, and each table was scrubbed clean then sprayed with Windex and wiped down. You wouldn't believe how many pencil marks and smudges came right off!

Above: The recently-cleaned desks. They look like new, right?

While moving one of the tables, a leg fell off. This might seem like a bad thing, but upon further inspection the table was pretty worn down from people leaning on it. It's a good thing it fell while cleaning was going on, and not while people were using the computers!

Fortunately, the CLC staff member who was cleaning was able to hold up the table before it fell, balance one end on a chair and move the computers, so nothing was damaged. We replaced the table with one from the Activity Room for the time being, so we're not even down an extra computer.

All of the sockets along the walls were dusted too, and the homework table was scrubbed down as well. The carpet got a thorough vacuuming thanks to a CLC staff member's home vacuum, and the door was cleaned as well.

We also scrubbed down the walls by the door, as they had been damaged a bit when a ceiling tile fell earlier in September. All of the tiles have been replaced, and we're looking good.

We also did some behind the scenes cleaning as well, cleaning out drawers and the corners by the windows. Perhaps most "excitingly," we cleaned off the round table in the corner that holds the fax machine and turned that table into an office/homework space. It now is a great space for someone to prepare a fax or copy or for a kid to work on his homework in quiet.

Above: The all-new Fax/Copy & Homework station, complete with pens, pencils, cover sheets and a sharpener. (Apologies for the blurry photo)

Be sure to stop by the CLC and check out the new set-up, and, of course, let us know if we missed a spot!

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