Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Youth Council Meeting!

Last week, the 808-812 Youth Council met on its own for the first time. The young adults had pizza and soda provided for them (thanks, Management Office!), and they discussed a variety of things. Big topics included ways to give back to the community and possible field trips for April Vacation.

Considering that this was the first time the group met on its own (the only oversight was the presence of an Activity Room instructor, and he stayed on the edges of the discussion to allow the youth to carry the dialog), the meeting went very well. The youth were comfortable discussing their ideas and plans with their peers, perhaps even more so than usual because there were no adults/parents/neighbors present.

We think that this group will be a great way for these young adults to not only get better programs for themselves, but also to help them learn how to present and submit activity proposals professionally.

We're currently typing up the notes from the meeting (taken diligently by the secretary, Feldano), and will be submitting them to the Management Office soon!

Above: The youth enjoyed pizza and soda prior to the start of the meeting.

Above and below: The Youth Council in action, discussing ways to make their experiences at 808-812 Memorial Drive even better.

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