Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter Party Photos!

On Wednesday, December 22nd, we had a Winter Vacation Celebration for the kids of 808-812 in the Activity Room! For most of the kids, the next day (Thursday) was just a half-day, then they had an entire week off. To celebrate, we had a mini-party complete with snacks, drinks, candy, a movie and a Guitar Hero tournament!

Above: Our pre-movie spread: microwave popcorn, Cheetos, Kool-Aid, Reese's Cups and Hershey's Kisses.

After all of the kids got their snacks and drinks (we went through 8 bags of microwave popcorn...these are some hungry children!), the movie started. We watched the newly-released Despicable Me, a computer-animated tale about an evil villain who ends up having his heart melted by three orphaned children. The kids loved the movie, and spent most of the time laughing their heads off at the antics of the "minions" on the screen.

After the movie ended, we moved on to the second part of the party: the Guitar Hero tournament. When we usually do "Playstation Wednesdays," Guitar Hero is often the most popular game. This time, we had a tournament: the kids were allowed to choose their own song, and whichever player got the highest percentage of notes correct won the whole tournament.

Above: Kids focused on the action during the Guitar Hero tournament.

At the end of the tournament, we had a real shocker: a three-way tie for first place, as three different kids got scores of well over 90%! The kids decided that they'd be fair and split the prize, a giant Hershey's chocolate bar, three ways.

A great time was had by all, and the kids all got candy canes on the way out the door. It was a great way to start off Winter Vacation.

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