Friday, October 28, 2011

Trick or treat!

On Wednesday, October 26, Renee from the Management Office led the kids on a trip to the Putnam Square Apartments to trick or treat. The residents at Putnam were very nice to the kids, giving them candy, donuts, apples, and even reading them a story!

Below is a quick slideshow featuring pictures from the trip. The kids had a great time. Thanks Renee and Putnam residents!

Activity Room Meeting

The Activity Room is changing, and prior to its renovation, we wanted to start some kind of group that would help the younger kids have a voice in what goes on in the Activity Room. We also had a meeting with the older kids/teens on ways we could better serve them, but this meeting was designed for the younger kids: we wanted to know how we could improve the Activity Room for them, what programs they'd like to see, and what changes need to be made.

We called this new group the 808-812 Youth Council, and the meeting was well-attended: attendees included Dan, Jamie, Rebecca and Shirley from the 808-812 Tenants Association, and over a dozen young people.

Suggestions included a designated time each week for a "Boys Group" and a "Girls Group" as had been done in the past; fundraising efforts to raise money to buy things for the room (a car wash and a bake sale were suggested); dividing time in the room so that older kids (13+) and younger kids (6-12) had their own time; and renewing our efforts in promoting 808-812's recycling program.

All of the ideas will be taken into consideration, and it was great to see the kids so interested in taking charge and making changes. We hope to have another meeting with the kids sometime in the coming weeks, and hope that their interest in the room translates into more respect for the room, its contents, the property, and their peers: once one has a vested interest in something, he or she will protect it more diligently.

Above: Feldano takes notes on what was being discussed.
Below: The kids listening to Jamie speak about the Activity Room.

Below: The kids listen as Fernandes makes some suggestions for the Activity Room.

Fantasy hockey

We try to get the youth of 808 and 812 interested in new things to broaden their horizons a bit. One of the things we've introduced them to is the sport of hockey, an activity they'd heard of before but didn't know much about.

After playing some street hockey last year and watching the Bruins go all the way to the Stanley Cup championship, the kids were interested in doing some more hockey-related things this year, especially with their favorite sport (basketball) temporarily shelved due to the NBA lockout.

We decided to create a kid-friendly fantasy hockey league, where the kids chose players for their teams and will follow their progress throughout the year. Mike has created a way of keeping score, and posts new standings every Wednesday. So far, the kids are pretty into it, and they loved choosing their players during the draft we had in the Activity Room.

Lists of players and goalies were posted on the walls, and the kids were able to browse and ask questions about the players before making their picks. Some of the kids have even taken to looking up their players during their time in the Computer Learning Center!

To make things even more fun and unique, Dan created some original team logos for the kids, and even printed some of them out on sticker paper so the kids could show their team pride! Some of those logos are included below, along with pictures of the kids during the draft. We hope the kids' interest increases as the hockey season goes on.

Above and below: The kids browsing the player and goalie lists before making their selections during the draft.

Above: Sirak's team, the Coyotes.
Below: Shahir's team, the Cobras.

Above: Nebil's team, the Zombies.
Below: Feldano's team, the Eagles.

Above: Adem's team, the Tigers.
Below: Abdullah's team, the FireHawks.

A lesson in economics

In today's harsh economic client, it's more important than ever to understand how the economy functions and why things work the way they do. Mike, who works in the Computer Lab on Wednesday afternoons, majored in economics at Stonehill College and currently works in finance at a firm in downtown Boston.

After spending one afternoon discussing supply and demand with one of the youth, he decided to create a kid-friendly slideshow explaining the laws of supply and demand to share with interested 808-812 youth.

The turnout was great, and, despite having just returned from a day at school, the kids were eager to learn and understand, especially because it involved money!

The kids learned the basics of supply and demand, and then were given real-world examples, such as why sunscreen is so cheap in November, and why Mobil charges more for a Pepsi than Shaw's does. After the lesson, the kids were rewarded with a cookie for having paid such great attention. There's an economics lesson right there: if you work hard and pay attention, you'll be rewarded!

The kids had a good time learning about supply and demand, so much so that we're working on coming up with another lesson for them. It's never too early to teach kids about responsibility with money, especially in today's lean times.

Above: The kids gathered around Mike to learn about supply and demand.
Below: The group pays attention to the lesson. Lena is even taking notes! Smart girl.

Halloween crafts!

Fall is here, and Halloween is right around the corner. While some of the kids aren't allowed to celebrate the holiday by dressing up due to their religion, that hasn't stopped them from getting in the holiday spirit.

In early October, the Activity Room had a "Halloween Craft Day," during which we created a number of spooky and scary characters out of simple materials: construction paper, scissors and glue!

The kids had a great time creating the crafts, and they came out awesome.

Above: A few created Jack-O-Lanterns, including one with a beard!
Below: More of the kids' creations: Jack-O-Lanterns, a ghost, and some black cats.

Below: A few of the kids hard at work on their crafts.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Duck Tape Art!

Duck Brand duct tape has a variety of practical uses around the house, but did you know it can be used to make some really cool arts and crafts?

Recently, the Activity Room had a Duck Tape craft day. We used a variety of colors and patterns of Duck Tape to create wallets, flowers, and more, all using just tape (and a pencil for the flower stem).

The variety of patterns and colors enabled the kids to make their crafts unique, and everyone who participated had a great time (and a new place to put his or her money).

Below are some pictures of the project and the finished wallets and flowers:

Above: Shahir shows off his Duck Tape wallet.
Below: Doodie shows of his yellow wallet.


Above: The outside of Doodie's wallet, covered in flames.
Below: Mohammed's Duck Tape flower (looks real!).


Above: Another view of Mohammed's flower. It came out great!
Below: Mohammed and Ayoub hard at work on their flowers.


Above: The kids were working hard on perfecting their new wallets.
Below: Feldano shows off his finished product.


Above: The inside of Jayden's "hot" new wallet.
Below: Jayden shows off the rest of his Duck Tape wallet.


Below: After all of their hard Duck Tape work, the kids enjoy a slushy treat thanks to left-over lemon slush from National Night Out.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pieces to the Puzzle

The severe thunderstorms a few weeks ago forced the Activity Room to stay inside on a Wednesday. Rather than let the rain ruin our plans, we decided to take out some puzzles and work as a team to complete them.

Together, the kids completed six puzzles. The puzzles were varied, from Pooh to Cinderella to Four Monkeys.

After the kids were done, we taped some of the puzzles together so they could show off their work. It was great to see the kids work together to put all of the pieces together.

Above: One of the completed puzzles, Disney's "Princesses."
Below: Five of the kids' finished puzzles: Three "Pooh Bear's," one "Five Monkeys," and one Disney's "Tinkerbell."

Above: Abdullah focused on completing one of the puzzles.
Below: Sirak and Asmaa working together on a puzzle, as sisters Lena and Sara work together in the background.


Recently, Brittany and the kids of the Activity Room had a Hawaiian-themed "Luau Party," featuring tropical fruits and drinks, tropical music, leis, and, of course, "the Limbo!"

The kids had a great time; thanks to Brittany for putting it all together!

Above: The kids in line for the Limbo at the Luau Party, held in the 812 Community Room.

Enjoying the Nice Weather!

As the weather has improved, the kids have been anxious to get out and enjoy it. The Activity Room has gone outside to play a variety of games in recent weeks, and here are just a few pictures of the kids' favorite outdoor activity: basketball.

Above: Sirak and Desi watch as Sirak's shot heads towards the hoop.
Below: Abdullah hoists up a three-pointer.

The kids are getting good at basketball, and love getting outside and playing. It's great to see them so excited about getting up and getting some exercise as well.

Friday, April 22, 2011

April Vacation Tournament!

In celebration of April Vacation, we decided to do something in the Activity Room that the kids had wanted to do for a while: have an XBox 360 tournament!

An Activity Room instructor brought his XBox 360 from home, and also brought the game "NBA 2K11" since basketball was the kids' game of choice.

We set up the projector and made a bracket-style tournament with eight teams. Each team was made up of two or three kids, and each player played a half for his team. That way, as many people as possible got a chance to play.

We had a lot of great teams chosen: the Celtics, Lakers, Heat, Thunder, Knicks, and Bulls were all well-represented.

After two rounds of exciting games, we made it to the finals: the Knicks (Antonio and Jahad) vs. the Thunder (Jhkyos and Davonte). This final game went right down to the wire, and when Carmelo Anthony missed a three-pointer at the buzzer, the Thunder took the title.

Congratulations to Davonte and Jhkyos! All of the kids loved playing, so it may be something we do again in the future.

Above: The finals, between Antonio & Jahad and Jhykos & Davonte.
Below: The Activity Room looks on during the action.

Anti-Virus Update

As part of an ongoing effort to keep users protected, we recently updated the anti-virus software on all of the computers here in the Computer Learning Center.

AVG, the main anti-virus program that constantly runs in the background, was upgraded from version 9.0 to the newer "AVG 2011." This program runs whenever the computer is on, and works in "real time," meaning it identifies threats as the computer is being used.

We also recently updated Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to the latest version, and updated the virus database as well. Malwarebytes is usually run bi-weekly to scan for malware that may have slipped past AVG. Keeping the program updated is essential, as there are dozens of new viruses that crop up every day.

If you want to keep your computer safe for free, download both of these cool programs!

Download link: AVG Free 2011

Download link: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Slideshow of Memories!

Here's a video/slideshow full of pictures of the youth residents of 808-812 Memorial Drive. The pictures range from many years ago to just a few weeks ago. It's cool to see how some of the kids are all grown up now!

Friday, February 11, 2011

"The Creature in You!" Craft

A few days ago in the Activity Room, we decided to try a new craft project that we tentatively called "the Creature in You!" This craft was designed to encourage the kids' creativity, and it worked great!

To do this craft, all we needed were markers, scissors and blank sheets of paper.
  • First, fold the blank, non-lined paper in half.
  • Next, write your name in big, cursive letters on the half-sheet.
  • Then, take a pair of scissors and cut around your name. Be sure to get into all of the little spaces!
  • Unfold your new "name/shape." Voila! The shape inside is the "Creature in You," color it or design it as you wish!
The kids had creatures of all different shapes and sizes, and they were encouraged to fill in all of the blank space on the paper while making it into some kind of monster, alien or other wild creation. The kids all had a great time doing this craft project; in fact, some of them did two or three different creatures, and two kids did both their first and last names.

It's a fun craft, is easy to do and created really cool works of art that all of the kids who participated should be proud of.

Above: Each child's name, written in cursive...
Below: ...the "creatures" within each name!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter Party Photos!

On Wednesday, December 22nd, we had a Winter Vacation Celebration for the kids of 808-812 in the Activity Room! For most of the kids, the next day (Thursday) was just a half-day, then they had an entire week off. To celebrate, we had a mini-party complete with snacks, drinks, candy, a movie and a Guitar Hero tournament!

Above: Our pre-movie spread: microwave popcorn, Cheetos, Kool-Aid, Reese's Cups and Hershey's Kisses.

After all of the kids got their snacks and drinks (we went through 8 bags of microwave popcorn...these are some hungry children!), the movie started. We watched the newly-released Despicable Me, a computer-animated tale about an evil villain who ends up having his heart melted by three orphaned children. The kids loved the movie, and spent most of the time laughing their heads off at the antics of the "minions" on the screen.

After the movie ended, we moved on to the second part of the party: the Guitar Hero tournament. When we usually do "Playstation Wednesdays," Guitar Hero is often the most popular game. This time, we had a tournament: the kids were allowed to choose their own song, and whichever player got the highest percentage of notes correct won the whole tournament.

Above: Kids focused on the action during the Guitar Hero tournament.

At the end of the tournament, we had a real shocker: a three-way tie for first place, as three different kids got scores of well over 90%! The kids decided that they'd be fair and split the prize, a giant Hershey's chocolate bar, three ways.

A great time was had by all, and the kids all got candy canes on the way out the door. It was a great way to start off Winter Vacation.