Friday, June 10, 2011

Pieces to the Puzzle

The severe thunderstorms a few weeks ago forced the Activity Room to stay inside on a Wednesday. Rather than let the rain ruin our plans, we decided to take out some puzzles and work as a team to complete them.

Together, the kids completed six puzzles. The puzzles were varied, from Pooh to Cinderella to Four Monkeys.

After the kids were done, we taped some of the puzzles together so they could show off their work. It was great to see the kids work together to put all of the pieces together.

Above: One of the completed puzzles, Disney's "Princesses."
Below: Five of the kids' finished puzzles: Three "Pooh Bear's," one "Five Monkeys," and one Disney's "Tinkerbell."

Above: Abdullah focused on completing one of the puzzles.
Below: Sirak and Asmaa working together on a puzzle, as sisters Lena and Sara work together in the background.


Recently, Brittany and the kids of the Activity Room had a Hawaiian-themed "Luau Party," featuring tropical fruits and drinks, tropical music, leis, and, of course, "the Limbo!"

The kids had a great time; thanks to Brittany for putting it all together!

Above: The kids in line for the Limbo at the Luau Party, held in the 812 Community Room.

Enjoying the Nice Weather!

As the weather has improved, the kids have been anxious to get out and enjoy it. The Activity Room has gone outside to play a variety of games in recent weeks, and here are just a few pictures of the kids' favorite outdoor activity: basketball.

Above: Sirak and Desi watch as Sirak's shot heads towards the hoop.
Below: Abdullah hoists up a three-pointer.

The kids are getting good at basketball, and love getting outside and playing. It's great to see them so excited about getting up and getting some exercise as well.